
Milestones in History

The great war uncut and political speculation

to Say that Russia's participation in world war mythologized and confusing - it does not say anything. Maybe the main reason that started the war, neither the king nor his Ministers and generals did not determined the goals of the war. We are not talking about the fact that these goals were obviously not feasible. They didn't know what he wanted.


Feat of arms on the field of Kulikovo

September 21, Russia celebrates the day of military glory in the memory of the victory of Russian regiments led by Prince Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar forces in the battle of Kulikovo in 1380. This battle marks the first step toward liberation from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. For the first time the Russians were able to unite, to act as a unified force in battle and win.


Two pictures - two stories: the world and Polish

Here we have two paintings of the XIX century. One belongs to the Polish artist Jan Matejko, the other Russian Karl Briullov. They both describe the same event - the siege of Pskov by the Polish king Stephen Bathory in 1581.


The second world war - who is to blame in the beginning

on 1 September 1939 the war started two world military-political coalitions, which became the largest war in human history. Ended this world massacre 2 September 1945, it was attended by 61 the state of the 73 existing at the time (80 % of the world population). The war began with the German attack on Poland.


Panikovsky from Sebezh

There are actors, the voice of which you know at a glance, one intonation. Among them - everyone's favorite "walk", Zinovy E. Gerdt, people's artist of the Russian Federation. He was born 1916 in the town of Sebezh. However, then his name was otherwise Zalman Afraimovich Krepinevich. Yes, and Sebezh was in Vitebsk province, and not in the Pskov region.


Generals and commanders of the First world war - the natives of Belarus (Part 2)

were Widely represented Belarus and the Belarusian natives of the provinces and among the hull of the commanders of the Russian army during the First world war. Left to tell about the fate of those Belarusian military commanders, who for one reason or another have not moved higher up the job ladder.


Generals and commanders of the First world war - the natives of Belarus (Part 1)

When it comes to the First world war in connection with Belarus, first of all we remember about one of the major national tragedies for Belarusians of the twentieth century - on the refuge, about civilian casualties. We want to talk about another side of the war: the generals - the natives of Belarus.


Genius-educator from Vitebsk

In modern life the concept of "intellectual" becomes secondary. People with not only expertise, but also the General view of the situation in culture, almost gone. Such were the late Sviatoslav Belza and Sergei Kapitsa. This was Ivan Sollertinsky, an outstanding specialist in Western European culture, a real intellectual.


Zworykin in Grodno

In the First World war fought many prominent people of his time. Was in that war and people that have shaped the course not only of scientific thought the whole generation, but in essence, created the " face " of the twentieth century. It is the inventor of television, Vladimir Zworykin. Who fought under the Belarusian city of Grodno and was one of the first military radio engineers in Russia.


Belarusians in the city on the Neva

Since Peter the Great Belarusians made a significant contribution to the life and the construction of St. Petersburg. Even a cursory count of the Belarusian "names Petersburg streets impressive: more than 37. Names are not only "geographic". It is the memory of the people who joined the city on the Neva and Belarus: street Volodya Ermak, Constantine Zaslonov, Zina portnovoy and other


Shot whether Finns in Leningrad?

The Germans and the Finns in the great Patriotic war failed to take Leningrad. And then the Germans from all over Europe have gathered the most powerful artillery system and tried to destroy Leningrad artillery fire. And the Finns were shooting at Leningrad or not? Yes, shelling Finnish artillery Leningrad did not play a significant role. But they were.


His voice thought Stirlitz...

people's artist of the Soviet Union Yefim Kopelyan was born in 1912 in the town of Rechitsa, Gomel region. He knew every citizen of the USSR, if not in person, voice - necessarily. He read the narration in the famous TV series "Seventeen moments of spring". It was his incredibly soulful voice thought Stirlitz, Maxim Maximovich Isaev.


Lida airfield 101

the Twentieth century is called the century of aviation. Balloons, airships, wooden planes, and then the machine from metal filled the sky. Significant place in the history of aviation was the airfield in the Belarusian town of Lida. Surprisingly, having begun his service before the First world war, he continued to work until now. Last year it celebrated its centenary.


Ah, the white steamer!

Straight-Soviet (and sophisticated "enemy") propaganda we have developed a strong immunity to loud phrases like "Russia is the birthplace of radio." However, not all such phrases only propaganda stamps. For example, the assertion that pre-revolutionary Russia was the greatest river power in the world, completely untrue.


Leon Bakst - the symbol of Paris

In Russian art of the late XIX - early XX century many geniuses. It was time for a breakthrough in painting, poetry, dance, theatre, architecture. New names, which determined the main trends in the development of not only Russian, but also world culture. One of them was born in Grodno Leib Rosenberg, who later became famous under the pseudonym of Leon Bakst.


Klyastitsy: undeservedly forgotten victory of Russian arms

the Battle near the village of Klyastitsy, which is now almost forgotten, was the first major Russian victory in the war of 1812. It greatly raised the spirit of the Russian society. However, the main theater of military operations both Russian armies under the command of Barclay de Tolly and Prince Bagration retreated under the onslaught of Napoleon.


Secrets of the Anglo-French war, or technology of double standards

The largest naval battle of world war II took place on 3 July 1940 at mers-El-Kebir near the port of Oran in present-day Algeria and then in French North Africa. But why this battle historians are silent? Yes, because this battle was one of the episodes of undeclared Anglo-French war.


"Hawaiian trading post" is a missed chance Russia

it Seems that everyone knows that some 200-250 years ago Russia owned Alaska. Meanwhile, in the early 19th century our country was another, no less interesting and exotic overseas territories. That came later, but was lost before "Russian America". This is a Russian colony on... the Hawaiian Islands.


Yuri Knorozov is our contemporary, revealing the mystery of ancient Maya writing

research interests Knorozov was surprisingly wide - from deciphering ancient writing systems, linguistics and semiotics, to issues of colonization of America, archeoastronomy, shamanism, the evolution of the brain and the theory of the collective. He generously distributed scientific ideas in the hope that someone will complete their development...


Alexander Alekseev is the father of computer graphics

Alexander Alekseev virtually unknown in his Homeland, while the whole world knows him as a great animator Maestro Alveoli, who became the founder of the new aesthetics and graphics for a long time ahead of its time as the forefather of computer graphics, which drives the development of modern digital technology.


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